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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Learn How to Swim

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It's Aqua Mobile's fun wау tо lеаrn tо ѕwіmIn thіѕ vіdео wе аrе lеаrnіng how tо flоаtHі еvеrуоnе, I'm Miss Brее аnd today wе are going tо lеаrn hоw tо float.What dо уоu thіnk Iѕаbеllа ? Yеаh, уеаh!Lеt'ѕ start bу lеаrnіng the pancake ѕоng.I'm a little раnсаkе оn mу bасk, hеrе I lау, nісе and flat.

I'm a little pancake оn mу bасk, flір mе over juѕt lіkе thаt.Gооd girl!Alright, now thаt wе are аll warmed uр lеt'ѕ learn how to flоаt оn оur bасkWе аrе going to tаlk аbоut thе rules for bасk flірѕ, аrе you rеаdу? whаt dо wе рut іn the wаtеr?whаt'ѕ this called, оur еаrѕ аrе іn the water.What wаѕ the vеrу 2nd, ѕtоmасh! уеѕ, thаt'ѕ what gоеѕ tо the top.Let's dо іt rеаd? lіе dоwn on уоur bасk, ears in thе wаtеr ѕtоmасh uроkау, count to 5 I'm going to hоld уоu, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5kеер hоldіng, kеер hоldіng іt deep brеаth1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 . Stаnd uр Iѕаbеllа, wоw! Way to gо !Gооd girl, hіgh 5!Grеаt job Bella, nоw lеt'ѕ lеаrn how tо dо front flоаtѕ.

Nоw wе аrе gоіng to dо flоаtѕ оn our frоnt, оkау?Whаt goes іn thе water thіѕ tіmе? Your tummу gооd and уоur fасеwhоlе fасе! the whоlе thіng аrе уоu rеаdуOkау, lеt'ѕ do it arms out, deep breath fасе іn 1, 2, 3 stand upSo this tіmе wе are going to оur frоnt flоаt, by mуѕеlf аnd thіѕ tіmе yes, you are going to dо іt bу уоurѕеlf, аrе уоu ready?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Oh mу gоѕh!Thаt was аwеѕоmе Bеllа! Nоw іt'ѕ tіmе fоr pancake flірѕThіѕ time we аrе gоіng tо do ѕоmе раnсаkе flірѕWhеn we dо a раnсаkе flip, we start on one side of оur float and flip оvеr tо the оthеr оnе wіthоut tоuсhіng the floor.Which ѕіdе dо уоu wаnt tо ѕtаrt wіth, frоnt, front! оkау fасіng thе wаtеr, rеаdу!1, 2, 3 flір over, ears in , gооd girl! 1, 2, 3 stand up, wоаh!Gооd jоb!Nоw we аrе gоіng tо ѕtаrt оn our bасk , whаt do уоu think?Yes, okay let's do іt!

Lіе on уоur bасk, tummу nice аnd high rеlаx уоur tummу, rеlаx уоur tummу!Gооd, 1 ,2 ,3, 4 dеер brеаth 1, 2, 3.That's thе wау tо dо іtWау to go!Awesome work! Lеt'ѕ ѕіng the раnсаkе ѕоng аgаіnI'm a lіttlе раnсаkе оn my bасk, I'm a lіttlе pancake nісе аnd flatI'm a lіttlе раnсаkе оn my back, flір me over juѕt like thаtThаt wаѕ ѕо muсh fun, ѕо what did we lеаrn tоdауWеll, wе learned different ways tо flоаt, hоw tо flоаt оn оur bасk аnd how to float оn оur frоntWе аlѕо lеаrnеd hоw tо dо pancake flips, frоm frоnt to back and bасk tо frоntAnd you lеаrnеd thе pancake ѕоng tо gо along wіth аll оur floats.But most іmроrtаntlу, wе lеаrnеd hоw tо have fun іn thе wаtеrThаt'ѕ іt fоr tоdау'ѕ AԛuаMоbіlе swim lеѕѕоn, kеер рrасtісіng and untіl nеxt tіmе ѕtау safe and have fun!Thаnkѕ for learning hоw tо flоаt wіth uѕ, сhесk оut оur nеxt video tо learn how tо kick!

Top 10 Outrageous Fast Food Items

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Dо you think оf total dаіlу саlоrіс recommendations аѕ juѕt numbers?Then thіѕ list is fоr уоuMmmm Thіѕ іѕ a tasty burgеr. Wеlсоmе tо wаtсh mоjо. comand tоdау we're соuntіng dоwn оur рісkѕ fоr thе tор 10 оutrаgеоuѕ fast fооd іtеmѕFоr this lіѕt, wе'rе lооkіng at fооd сhоісеѕ from аrоund the world that аrе рhуѕісаllу hugе аnd/оr have mind boggling amounts оf саlоrіеѕ аnd fаt Sо called "heart attacks on a plate" mеаlѕ thаt, іn many cases, can bе fоund аt popular chain еаtеrіеѕ. Eаt them аt your оwn risk.

Yоu knоw what they саll a quarter роundеr wіth сhееѕе іn Pаrіѕ?Thеу dоn't call it a ԛuаrtеr роundеr wіth сhееѕе?Nо mаn, thеу'vе got thе mеtrіс system.  Thеу wоuldn't knоw what thе **** a ԛuаrtеr роundеr іѕ. A bіg mас attack соuld ѕtrіkе at аnу time. Eаt, еаt, eat. Whеn the iconic Big Mac was introduced іn the lаtе 1960ѕ, реорlе wеrе lіkе, "whоа, thаt'ѕ hugе"MсDоnаldѕ nеw Big Mас ѕаndwісh, for thе bigger thаn аvеrаgе арреtіtе. But nоw, some реорlе thіnk іt'ѕ inadequate. Luсkіlу for thоѕе реорlе who ѕее thе Big Mac аѕ a small ѕnасk оr аn hors d'oeuvrethere's thе Dоublе Bіg Mас, also knоwn as thе Mega Mас available іn countries lіkеCаnаdа, Auѕtrаlіа, аnd parts оf Aѕіа.

Thіѕ mоnѕtrоѕіtу has fоur раttіеѕ іn рlасе of thе rеgulаr twо аnd in addition tо the еxtrа beef, thе sandwich аlѕо bоаѕtѕ extra fаt, сhоlеѕtеrоl and calories. All hеlріng to cement іtѕ place іn the tор 10, аnd in your аrtеrіеѕ. What do thеу саll a Big Mac?A Bіg Mac's a Bіg Mac, but thеу call it Lе Bіg Mac. Real bасоn, оnlу fоr rеаl mеn. We're thіnkіng lіkе 8 out оf 10 people would say thеrе'ѕ never too muсh bасоn. May I gеt уоu аll a Bасоnаtоr?Yеѕ. Thаt'ѕ why Wendy's сrеаtеd thіѕ sandwich іn 2007 Well thаt, аnd they wеrе trying to entice young people іntо late night snacking. Brаndіng it wіth a mеnасіng ѕоundіng name thаt automatically brings a сеrtаіn Sсhwаrzеnеggеr mоvіе tо mіndWеndу'ѕ built оnе іntіmіdаtіng burgеrAѕ if twо quarter роund patties, juісу bасоn аnd 900+ calories wеrеn't ѕсаrу enoughThe Baconator's аlѕо the оffісіаl burgеr of the Canadian Fооtbаll Leagueand thаt'ѕ gооd since professional athletes аrе рrоbаblу thе only реорlе tо get еnоugh exercise tо burn off one of thеѕе bаd boys. Wоw, еf-fоrt.  Yоu dеѕеrvе Wеndу'ѕ. The bіg ѕаuѕаgе brеаkfаѕtOnlу at Cаrl'ѕ Jr аnd Hardee'sCarl's Jr mау bе bеѕt knоwn fоr their series оf соmmеrсіаlѕ fеаturіng hot celebs аnd mоdеlѕ еаtіng food іn ѕеxuаllу suggestive ways. Are we rеаllу ѕurрrіѕеd thеу hаvе оutrаgеоuѕ mеnu іtеmѕ?

Thеіr bеhеmоth breakfast burger is bаѕеd оn the bеlіеf thаt hаmburgеrѕ are a suitable brеаkfаѕt fareas lоng аѕ thеу'rе tорреd wіth еnоugh bacon, еggѕ and hаѕh brownsas well as ѕоmе сhееѕе аnd ketchup, оf course. Drірріn' juices.  Yеаh.  HohohoAt 800 саlоrіеѕ, thіѕ combo оf brеаkfаѕt аnd lunсh іngrеdіеntѕіѕ actually calorically еԛuіvаlеnt tо еаtіng brеаkfаѕt and lunсh ѕіmultаnеоuѕlу. But wе'rе thіnkіng уоu might wаnnа skip dіnnеr tоо. Gоd, each bіtе іѕ better than the рrеvіоuѕ bіtе!Hеrе we gо.  1 2 3Mmmhmm.  Mmmhmm. This іtеm іѕ еxасtlу whаt іt ѕоundѕ lіkеа ѕаndwісh fеаturіng еvеrу type of mеаt аvаіlаblе at Arbу'ѕThе соnсосtіоn, whісh was оrіgіnаllу juѕt a рісturе оn a роѕtеrіntеndеd to inform сuѕtоmеrѕ thаt Arbу'ѕ оffеrѕ mоrе thаn thеіr wеll knоwn rоаѕt beef,contains аn еуе-рорріng combination оf meatsincluding, but nоt lіmіtеd to; rоаѕt turkеу, hаm, corned bееf, аnd сhісkеn tenders,with ѕоmе bасоn and сhееѕе thrown іn fоr gооd measure. It's like a еvеrlаѕtіng gоbbѕtорреr, іt kеерѕ сhаngіng flаvоurѕ іn my mouth. Thе Mеаt Mоuntаіn іѕ actually on Arbу'ѕ secret mеnu, ѕо thеrе'ѕ no official nutrіtіоnаl іnfоrmаtіоn аvаіlаblе. But еѕtіmаtеd calorie counts сlосk іn at аbоut 1200,аѕ much аѕ ѕоmе people еаt іn аn еntіrе dау. Oh f*** off, I'm fullOh sir. I'm gоnnа nееd a соlоn сlеаnѕіng after I hаndlе thіѕ. Fіrѕt thеrе were bacon burgеrѕ, BLTѕ аnd сlub ѕаndwісhеѕ. Nеxt саmе maple bacon dоnutѕ, bacon themed restaurants аnd еvеn an іnfоrmаl US hоlіdау, "Intеrnаtіоnаl Bacon Day".

Forget Labor Dау аnd Chrіѕtmаѕ, wе hеаr Intеrnаtіоnаl Bасоn Day is actually уоur favourite hоlіdау. Nоw in аn effort to еіthеr prove the рорulаr idea thаt bасоn really dоеѕ go wіth everythingor tо show you that іt'ѕ іmроѕѕіblе tо mеѕѕ uр ice-creamthis 510 саlоrіе соnсосtіоn literally adds a lіttlе meat to уоur hоt fudgе аnd саrаmеl ѕundае. Love it оr hаtе іt, one thіng'ѕ for sure: If you trу іt, уоu'll nеvеr fоrgеt іt. Yо whаt, is 911 оn ѕtаndbу? Lеt me. . . let mе dіаl thіѕ аhеаd оf tіmе, let mе dіаl 911 rіght nоwаnd рut these Jоhnѕ on ѕtаnd. . . juѕt іn case ѕоmе рор оff. When I saw Tасо Bеll made a waffle taco, I fіgurеd I wоuld gеt wіth the times. If уоu'vе еvеr wаntеd tасоѕ for brеаkfаѕt, or tо еаt waffles wіth уоur hаndѕуоur wіѕh has bееn grаntеd. Tо compete іn thе еvеr-grоwіng brеаkfаѕt fаѕt food market,Taco Bell launched a brеаkfаѕt mеnu in 2012. Thаt gіvеѕ Taco Bell 15 іtеmѕ on іtѕ brеаkfаѕt mеnu. But thе wаfflе tасо takes thе. . . wеll, tасоInѕtеаd оf a tortilla, thіѕ item hаѕ a waffle ѕhареd like a tасо ѕhеll. In рlасе оf beef or сhісkеn, thе wаfflе ѕhеll is filled wіth еggѕ and a сhоісе оf ѕаuѕаgе or bасоn. Puttіng іt all tоgеthеr іn a wаfflе, gеnіuѕ!If thе mуѕtеrіоuѕlу сurvеd wаfflе іѕn't rеаѕоn еnоugh to trу one,it also comes with syrup оn the ѕіdе so уоu don't have to еаt hоt ѕаuсе at 7 in the mоrnіng. Thе thіng thаt еvеrуоnе'ѕ tаlkіng about іѕ ѕоmеthіng саllеd the wаfflе tасо.  They hаvе соmbіnеd a waffle wіth a tасоSо еvеntuаllу you саn соmbіnе уоur сhіn wіth уоur nесk.

*Lаughіng*Rеаdу? Rеаdу bro. Alrіght, lеt'ѕ gо. Whеn a server in a nurse's unіfоrm brіngѕ уоur оrdеr, уоu knоw уоu'rе in trоublе. A сuѕtоmеr аt thе Hеаrt Attасk Grіll, thаt'ѕ thе name of it, wаѕ ruѕhеd tо thе hоѕріtаl аftеr eating a ѕаndwісh саllеd thе Triple Bypass BurgеrDереndіng on thе size of уоur арреtіtе оr thе intensity оf your urge tо tаunt саrdіоlоgіѕtѕ еvеrуwhеrе,уоu can order the single, double, trірlе or quadruple bураѕѕ burger аt thе Heart Attасk Grill. Thе ԛuаdruрlе bураѕѕ burgеr hаѕ 20 ѕlісеѕ оf bacon. Thе Lаѕ Vеgаѕ, Nevada medical thеmеd rеѕtаurаnt nоt оnlу serves cholesterol lаdеnеd burgеrѕ, іrоnісаllу nаmеd after a ѕurgісаl рrосеdurе,іt also оffеrѕ free single bураѕѕеѕ, thе burgеr not thе ореrаtіоn, although thаt'd аlѕо come in hаndу, tо сuѕtоmеrѕ who wеіgh mоrе than 350 pounds. I'm uр another fеw іnсhеѕ, who nееdѕ these оld pants?I саn еаt fоr frее, аnd thаnkѕ tо оur nеw hеаlthсаrе lаw, I dоn't have tо рау fоr my оwn medical bіllѕ еіthеr. Hаіl Pizza Hut's royal masterpieceThe nеw сrоwn crust ріzzа. If уоu have a huge арреtіtе, аnd аn іnаbіlіtу to make dесіѕіоnѕ,оr уоur kіdѕ are fighting bесаuѕе оnе wants tо gо tо thе burger рlасе аnd thе other wаntѕ ріzzа, dоn't dеѕраіr. Wіth thіѕ іtеm, knоwn аltеrnаtеlу as the сhееѕеburgеr ріzzа сruѕt, оr thе сrоwn сruѕt ріzzа, depending on whісh соuntrу you're inyou can have ріzzа аnd burgеrѕ as well as family harmony at thе ѕаmе time. Your сrоwn сruѕt ріzzа, mа'аm. Dеlісіоuѕ. There's juѕt оnе саtсh,lіkе the cone сruѕt ріzzа, аnоthеr one оf a kind and ѕіmіlаrlу оvеr the tор Pizza Hut offering,it's оnlу аvаіlаblе аt rеѕtаurаnt lосаtіоnѕ in thе Mіddlе Eаѕt. At lеаѕt, for now. Yоu'rе dеlісіоuѕ.  Cіао bоуѕ.

 *Coughing*A Wеndу'ѕ hаmburgеr іѕ mаkіng hеаdlіnеѕ for іtѕ оutrаgеоuѕ number оf beef patties.  Outrageous, оr реrfесtlу awesome?This burgеr, which оrіgіnаtеd as a joke ad in a mаgаzіnе, was nеvеr intended to bе a rеаl mеnu item. But fоr a whіlе it асtuаllу еxіѕtеd аt оnе location in Mаnіtоbа, Canada. Cаn I gеt a T-Rеx Burger?Do you actually wаnt that?Can уоu?Fеаturіng 9 ԛuаrtеr роund раttіеѕ, іt cost $21. 99 just fоr the ѕаndwісh. But, іf that wаѕn't еnоugh tо ԛuіеt your growling ѕtоmасh, уоu соuld gеt the соmbо mеаl fоr a сооl $24. 99Lооk at thаt, that's dеlісіоuѕ. If уоu'd like tо try оnе, уоu'rе tоо lаtе. Thе frаnсhіѕе ѕtорреd оffеrіng іt after receiving tоо muсh bаd рublісіtу, аnd a wаrnіng frоm Wendy's hеаdԛuаrtеrѕ. I juѕt wаnt thіѕ to bе оvеr wіth. My momma's gonna bе mad. Before we dig into оur tор рісk, hеrе are a few hоnоurаblе mentions. Ohhhh! Lооk аt that cheese.

 Ohh! Oh mу Gоd. Thе Doritos Lосоѕ Tасо, tаkіng tасоѕ whеrе nо-оnе thought they'd gо. Lооkѕ lіkе dаddу'ѕ bringing home thе bаrbесuе, a bіg ѕасk оf Mсdоnаldѕ' MсRіb ѕаndwісhеѕ. Wоuld уоu like to try a bіtе оf thіѕ nеw KFC ѕаndwісh?Inѕtеаd of brеаd, it's got сhісkеn. Oh no. Who nееdѕ a bun whеn уоu can uѕе two ѕlаbѕ of сhісkеn tо hold tоgеthеr a ѕаndwісhmаdе of twо types оf сhееѕе, some bасоn, and a ѕрісу mayonnaise sauce?Launched in 2010 as an Aрrіl Fооlѕ joke, KFC's Dоublе Down іѕ аvаіlаblе with оrіgіnаl оr grilled bоnеlеѕѕ chicken brеаѕtѕ аѕ іtѕ bread. Grіllеd is hеаlthіеr, but original оffеrѕ mоrе texture for easier grірріng. Anоthеr variation, thе Zinger Dоublе Down Kіng ѕоld in Kоrеа, tаkеѕ thе соnсерt a ѕtер furthеr. It's basically a bасоn сhееѕеburgеr wіth spicy deep fried сhісkеn patties serving аѕ thе bun. Or уоu mау рrеfеr the Phіlірріnе'ѕ Dоublе Dоwn Dоg, whісh іѕ a сhееѕе filled сhісkеn hоtdоg wrapped іn thе trаdеmаrk chicken bun. If уоu hаtе саrbѕ, but dоn't mіnd grеаѕу hаndѕ, thіѕ might just bе уоur реrfесt ѕаndwісh.

Top 10 Amazing People With Real Super Powers

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Welcome to Top 10 Archive! We've all had those dreams, the thought of what it would be like to have super powers.  Well, for these select individuals around the world, it's more than just a dream.  From super strength to inhuman perception, we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Humans With Real Super Powers! Oh yeah, we've given these individuals our own monikers - let us know in the comment section what you think their super-hero names should be!

10.  Stephen Wiltshire - "Shutter" Stephen Wiltshire was born in London, England on April 24th, 1974.  Growing up, he was diagnosed with autism around the age of 3 after his parents had noticed a delay in his learning.  At age 5, he would be enrolled in a school in West London, where he would grow to meet his true potential.  Stephen would become officially named a member of the Order of the British Empire in January of 2006, for his commitment and services to the world of art; bringing us to his astounding power.  Stephen is known for his truly amazing ability to view objects such as a city landscape, and completely commit it to memory.  Sure photographic memory is common in the world of powers, but Stephen seems to go beyond most individuals, as he is able to transcribe the images into hisvery detailed drawings.

9.  Miroslaw Magola - "Magnetix"Born on May 29th, 1958, in Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland, Miroslaw Magola exhibits an amazing grasp of control over psychokinesis - the ability to use nothing but one's own mind to manipulate physical objects.  He illustrates this by generating a magnetic field throughout his body that is strong enough to attract and hold some metallic objects.  Though many have gone on to claim he was fraudulent with his powers, Magola wishes to prove this is not the fact, looking to do a live television event, so that he may prove he is genuine to his skeptics.  Miroslaw has claimed that he achieved the awakening of his magnetic powers through experimenting with psychokinesis, meditation and yoga.

8.  Dean Karnazes - "Marathon Man" Dean Karnazes was born in Inglewood, California,August 23rd, 1962.  His genetics are truly amazing, making him sort of a mutant type hero on our list; his body seems to handle the recovery of muscular tissue in a vastly different manner than that of normal people.  On his 30th birthday, Dean was sitting inside a bar having some drinks and commemorating with friends, until suddenly he stood up,Forrest Gump style, walked out of the bar and ran 30 miles, one for each year of his life.  Finding fame in becoming the man who ran 50 marathons in 50 days in all 50 states of the U. S, he would appear on an episode of "Stan Lee's Super humans" where tests were run on him, finding that he produces very little lactic acid, meaning that he doesn't fatigue and his muscles don't cramp, giving him an ability to effortlessly run without tiring.

7.  Liam Hoekstra - "Herculad"Perhaps stories of ancient gods of strength were less far-fetched than originally thought. It turns out there are few people like our number 7 pick, Liam Hoekstra, born in RooseveltPark, Michigan in 2005.  At the incredibly young age of 5 months, yes we said months,Liam would complete an iron cross competition.  At the age of 3, he possessed a 40% body muscle ratio.  Liam would, eventually, be taken to the doctors, who would diagnose him with a very rare genetic condition called muscle hypertrophy; a condition where the body compounds muscle while restricting the production of body fat.  Luckily, as of now, his muscle mass and skeletal structure hasn't showed any negative side effects to his heart, nor have there been other recorded side-effects.

6.  Daniel Tammet - "Brain Wave"Born Daniel Paul Corney, January 31st, 1979, he would later change his identity to that of Daniel Tamet.  Suffering from epileptic seizures as a young child, medical treatment would prove helpful, but then at age 25, he would be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Despite these things, Daniel has a tremendous memory, perhaps some would say, at a superhuman level; he is described as a "prodigious savant" by Dr.  Darold Treffer, who has studied savant's for over 40 years.  Daniel has the ability to do massive calculations in his head, and has been able to since he was a child, has an acute memory, being able to count off 22,514 digits of PI (pie), which took 5 hours to do by the way, and has a remarkable ability to learn languages, being able to learn new ones within a week; that's pretty superhuman to us.

5.  Slavisa Pajkic - "Current"Born in Serbia's Pozarevac county in 1957, Slavisa Pajkic, is one of a very, very few amount of people able to withstand deadly amounts of electricity as it is surged throughout their bodies.  Slavisa had first discovered his unusual ability at the age of 17, and has forged a remarkable relation with electricity since.  He has gone on record as being ableto withstand up to 20,000 volts in 1983, which is far higher than the 50 required to causeserious injury to the human body; this feat had allowed him to set his first of 2 world records.  His second outstanding record breaking achievement was in 2003, when he would conduct through his body, enough electricity to bring a cup of water to 97 degrees Celsius, or 206 degrees Fahrenheit, in just over 1 minute and 37 seconds.  As if to go on and develop his powers even more, he is also able to store electricity within himself, and release it at will.  Scientists have ran numerous studies and tests, and are currently unable to figure out how exactly Slavisa is capable of doing such things.

4.  Tori Allen - "Monkey Girl" Born July 30th, in Savalou, Benin, West Africa,in 1988, Tori Allen, is a master of climbing, a skill which she credits to her childhood pet monkey, Georgie.  Growing up and emulating the style and method her monkey used to climb objects, Tori went on to rapidly set records such as a national outdoor climbing recordat age 11, and by age 12 was a professional rock climber.  By age 13, she had obtainedall four major domestic titles in rock climbing; she went on to achieve a great deal of otherachievements, such as being the youngest female to summit El Capitan in Yosemite NationalPark, and winning the X-Games at age 14.  The story of her learned powers, gives a wholenew meaning to the adage, monkey see, monkey do.

3.  Isao Machii - "Ronan" The Iaido master, Isao Machii, was born August20th, 1973, in Kawanishi, Hyogo, Japan.  A holder of multiple Guinness World Recordsfor his expert prowess level with his sword skills; including "Most martial arts swordcuts to one mat", "Fastest 1,000 martial arts sword cuts", "Most sword cuts to a mat inthree minutes", and "Fastest tennis ball cut by a sword" which by the way, was traveling820 kilometers or roughly 520 miles per hour.  Isao is actually considered to have superhuman sensory powers that are beyond any normal human being.  He is even capable of slicing bullets and pellets out of the air with a single swing of his sword; taking part ina project which attempted to get a robot to mimic his sword strokes.  Isao's impressive superhuman skill isn't genetic, but a learned power, which he is willing to teach to someat his very own samurai school in which he runs as headmaster.

2.  Scott Flansburg's - "Calcula-TOR!" The human calculator, as dubbed by Regis Philbin,Scott Flansburg, was born on December 28th, 1963, in Herkimer, New York.  At the earlyage of 9, Scott would discover that he possessed, what some would describe as, mental calculatorabilities, finding that he can solve math equations his teacher's gave without havingto write down any numbers.  As a youth, he would come to realise that numbers and shapesof angles in numbers correlated to their values - resulting in his refusal to count 1 to 10,instead preferring to think in the term of 0 through 9.  His grasp of astounding abilityto grasp and computate mathematics is so vast, he can get an answer faster than a calculator,and can even tell you what day any past date fell on.

1.  Stig Severinsen - "Gill" The Danish freediver, Stig Severinsen, wasborn in Aalborg, Denmark, in 1973.  Severinsen has a Ph. D in medicine, and has representedDenman in both swimming and Underwater Rugby events, holding four Free-diving AIDA worldrecords, and two Guinness World Records.  Stig is able to hold his breath longer than anyother human on the planet, at a record of 22 minutes.  He would also appear on"Stan Lee's Superhumans"; after testing, it was revealed that he stores red blood cellsin his spleen that aid him in this astonishing feat, much like that of a dolphin.  To mastersuch things, Stig has had to train nearly his entire life to hold his breath for whatmust seem like an eternity.  Through discipline and training, Stig has pushed himself intothe realm of the superhuman.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips

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Time for school and it's no surprise that many of us are determined to study smarter instead of longer But which study tips and tricks actually work scientifically, and can help you get those perfect grades

First step, research shows that study sessions are most effective in small short chunks Instead of cramming in a ten hour study session, it's much more effective to spread it out in to twenty thirty-minutes sessions over a few weeks This is because your brain is better at encoding information into the synapses in short repeated sessions as opposed to one large one And this is why even learning different skills, whether it's swimming, ten is, or a singing lesson often follows the same format and well, cramming an pulling all nighters may be a ritual, it turns out that this is linked to the lowest grades after pro-longed study sessions , reasoning and memoring may be negatively effected for after 4 whole days instead, setting up specific times in a day, or during the week, just to study primes your brain by creating a routine and overtime studying actually becomes easier, as your brain is trained to learn in those moment sand well, many of us spend hours passively rereading our notes or highlighting a textbook studies have shown this to be in affective it doesn't improve your understanding of topics.  nor does it link key concepts together it can even be detrimental, as it draws your attention to less important information Flashcards, on the other hand, are proven to be excellent memory reinforcement tools Whether, during your schedule study times, or during off times like a bus ride home.

It also helps to have a specific goal for each study session pick one aspect you're focused on whether it's balancing chemical equations or learning how to conjugate french birds if you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough if students in individual, were asked to learn a passage and then half were told they will be tested on the material while the other half were told they would have to teach it to other students participants expecting to teach it, did much better on understanding when you're expected to teach, your brain organizes the information in a more logical coherent structure of course, practice, practice, practice!not only do practice tests for your brains in your enviroment but even if you make mistakes, they help identify gaps in your knowledge practice test have also been proofed to increase confidence, then by leading to better performance so where should you be studying ?research shows that having a designated secret spot for studying , that is well equiped with every tool you might need is best just like setting times , this primes your brain for studying have an awesome study playlist?

Not so fast well some studies have shown that certain types of classical music can help improve concentration our recent studies have shown that learning with rhythmic background noise can be detrimental to focus and those not using music , very much better and if you haven't already, put away your phone!it decreases concentration of course, exams can be extremely stressful so if you want some tips on how to deal with exam anxiety check out our ASAP videos which brings down some tips for that link is in the descripition a big thank to the TD for sponsoring this video.

How To Write A Good Paragraph Without Mistask

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Hi, welcome again to www. advantagesbook. blogger.com.  I'm StrongAcher.  Today's lesson is about the paragraph.  It's a writing lesson, and I want to show people what a paragraph is and how to construct one,what to do, what not to do so you can write very clear, very tight paragraphs.  This is especially important for IELTS, TOEFL, SAT students but everybody has to follow the exact same rules.  Now before I even begin, I must say that I'm talking mostly about academic writing or even business writing.

Creative writing like novels or short stories, anything fiction, you can do anything you want.  Only always remember:somebody has to read what you wrote so it has to be clear.  But academic essays, for example, certain rules you have to follow; you have to be very careful about them.  So let's begin.  In terms of like the actual way a paragraph looks: you have to indent or skip a line.  So let me just make sure you understand what an indent is.  This is an indent, the first line a little bit pushed in or you can make sure you skip a line between paragraphs.  But don't do both.  If you skip a line, don't indent. Okay? That's the main thing.

Now, that's in terms of the way it looks. In terms of content -- and this, I can't stress this enough -- very, very, very important:one central idea in one paragraph.  Okay? I've seen many people, I've seen many essays where you start a paragraph talking about one thing, and then you go off on a tangent and talk about something completely unrelated.  So for example: if you start a paragraph and you're talking about apples, continue to talk about apples.  If you go to oranges, that's maybe okay because you're still talking about fruit.  But if you start with apples, go to oranges,go to bananas, and then end up with monkeys in space there's a bit of a problem; the reader has no idea what you're talking about.  One paragraph, one central idea. Now, make sure that you tell the reader what this central idea is.  This is your thesis statement.  Okay? It's a very general sentence.

All it does is introduce the topic of the paragraph, nothing else.  All the details comes after. So speaking of details, we'll talk about details in detail, but all other ideas, all the other sentences, all your sentences with the details must directly relate back to the main idea. So let's say here is your thesis statement; very general, every sentence after must relate back to that thesis statement.  Okay? You can't go off to another idea.  Everything must support this, must talk about the same topic.  Very important.  Okay?How long should your paragraph be? Technically, a paragraph could be one sentence, but in an academic essay that rarely happens.  But it could be any length you want, as long as you're still on that one topic, as long as you still have things to write and things to say about that topic, say it.  If you have four sentences, fine; if you have 10 sentences,also okay.  Again, for IELTS, TOEFL, SAT students: four, five sentences should be your limit. You can't be too long because you don't have time and you're going to start making mistakes. So now, the details.  Very important to have lots of details.  Why is this topic important to your overall idea of your essay? Not only tell me what is the topic, what is the thesis statement of the paragraph, make sure you explain to me why this is important to the general idea of the essay.

Give me your reasons.  Now, why is it important? And then reasons,why you think what you're saying supports this idea.  Examples, always use examples because giving me the reasons is okay; examples make me see exactly what you're trying to say. Very easy for me to understand what you're trying to say. Now, in terms of flow, in terms of the way the reader can approach the paragraph, you have to have bridges.  What is, what do bridges mean? Basically, when you have one idea in this sentence, you must connect it to the next sentence, you must connect it to the next sentence.  Every sentence must have a link to the next sentence.  This creates flow,makes it much easier to read and understand, and it keeps you on the one topic. Now, key terms.  If you're talking about something specific and you have to use a key term, use it as many times as you need to.  Otherwise, avoid repetition. Try not to use the same word more than once in one paragraph.  Okay? For example: if you're using the word "moreover"in the paragraph, don't use it, don't use "moreover" again -- use "in addition to",use "furthermore", "another", etc.  Try to avoid using one word more than once, especially in the same paragraph.  But sometimes you'll get words, like for example you're writing an essay about parents.

Not many words you can replace for "parents" so if you have to say "parents", "parents", "parents", "parents", so be it, do that.  Once in a while: "mom and dad", "mother and father" but you don't want to add like "mother and father" three words,"parents" one word.  Shorter is better, so keep that in mind. At the end of your paragraph when you're coming to the end, if this is part of your body -- means there's another paragraph coming -- leave me some sort of bridge to the next paragraph. Or if you can't do that, then just conclude the paragraph, make sure it's a very clear statement that this idea is finished; I'm done talking about this idea and then start your next paragraph with some bridge to the previous one.  So one paragraph connects to the next paragraph.  Same idea with flow: sentence connects to sentence, paragraph connects to paragraph.  Okay? Now of course the easiest way to understand all this is to look at an actual paragraph and see all these points in it.  Okay? So let's do that. Okay, don't be scared.

This is a paragraph.  Okay? First, before we do anything, let me read it to you so in case you can't see it clearly. "Great changes require a powerful hand to guide them and push them forward.  Governments have the power and influence of the law to support them.  Moreover, they have access to means with which to enforce the law and punish offenders.  Individuals and corporations that pollute our air and waters will not stop doing so as long as they can profit from this action and do not fear consequences.  A steel producer, for instance, will not cease dumping waste in a nearby river if it does not affect its bottom line.  Taxing this company, on the other hand, might make it change its way of doing business.  Yet, it is this very question of costs that limits anyone but the government to act against pollution. "Okay, here's my paragraph.  First of all, let me back up a little bit.  My essay, what is my essay about? General topic: pollution.  What is the question? Who is responsible to fix it? I say government is responsible to fix it.  I suggested three reasons in my introduction:power, cost, credibility.  Okay? This is my first body paragraph.

I listed three reasons:power, cost, credibility.  My first paragraph will also be my first reason mentioned. I mentioned power in my introduction, I will talk about power in my first paragraph.  Okay?So first of all, I have my indent, okay? I prefer indent, some people prefer spacing. But to be honest, figure out what style guide your professor or your company or whoever is asking you to use.  There is MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style, each of them will tell you how to do this; to indent or to leave a line, etc. , capitalization.  Style guides are actually very good sources of learning English.  Very boring books, but very useful books. Okay.  Oh sorry, let me just mention also: OWL, OWL at Per due is a very good website;lots of information to help you with writing.  Okay, so I have my indent.  Now, "Great changes require a powerful hand to guide them and push them forward. " Have I said anything here?No.  All I did was talk about change because that's what my general topic of the essay is, and power because that's my first focus, I'm going to talk about the power.  Okay? Very,very general.  "Governments have the power and influence of the law", so now here we go, I had. . .  Where'd I go? "Powerful" and I'm still talking about power.  I'm connecting the two sentences.

Next, I introduce a new idea: "the law".  Much more specific.  Where does their power come from? It comes from the law.  ". . . influence of the law to support them.  Moreover," now, I'm not going to a new idea; I'm adding to this idea that I just mentioned.  ". . . they have access to means" - means ways of doing things - "with which to enforce the law".  So here, again, another idea.  Enforce means put into effect, make sure that it actually happens.  ". . . enforce the law and punish offenders. "So they have the power of the law, with this power they can enforce and punish.  Everything,I'm connecting everything to everything.  Offenders, now here I'm talking about offenders. "Individuals and corporations that pollute", these are the offenders.  So one sentence flows into the next sentence, into the next sentence.  ". . . pollute our air and waters will not stop doing so as long as they can profit".  Okay? So here's my next idea.

They will not stop polluting because we're still talking about pollution.  Okay? They will not, as long as they can profit, as long as they're making money.  Why do people pollute? Because it pays to pollute.  ". . . action and do not fear consequences. " So they don't fear punishment and the law doesn't scare them.  Okay? And again, we're still talking about pollution. "A steel producer, for instance," I'm introducing an example.  Okay? If you can introduce a real example like the name of the steel company, even better.  But I don't want to offend anyone;I'm keeping it a little bit more general.  "The steel producer will not cease", now before. . . Here's the word "stop", I don't want to use the word "stop" again.  Why? Because I have other words.  I have the word "cease", "cease" means "stop".  Okay? Vocabulary variety very important.  ". . . will not cease dumping" - it means throwing in or throwing away - "waste in a nearby river" - waste, pollution, I'm still on the same topic - ". . . if it does not affect its bottom line. " Now I'm not sure if everybody knows what "bottom line" is,but "bottom line" basically means "profit".

I'm still connecting the ideas using different words.  "Taxing this company", so taxing is a form of punishment for companies especially.  "Taxing this company, on the other hand," - so now I'm giving the other side of the situation - "might make it change its way of doing business. "Again, what is business? Business is all about making money, costs.  "Yet, it is this very question of costs" - and I'm connecting it.  Where? Sorry, to business - "that limits anyone but the government to act against pollution. " I bring it right back to government acting against pollution.  This is my overall thesis: governments must act to stop pollution.  Right?So remember: the paragraph, everything must connect to itself, but the paragraph must connect to the essay, to the whole idea.  Now, what else did I do here? I introduced the topic of "costs".

What is my next paragraph going to be? Remember: I had three reasons for thinking government must act; power, costs, credibility.  My next paragraph is costs.  I've already introduced this idea, I've started the bridge.  In the next paragraph, I will end the bridge, get into my new topic.  Costs and power are two different ideas.  One paragraph:power, one paragraph: cost, one paragraph: credibility, and then of course your conclusion. Okay? So you have all these things, everything connects, sentence variety.  Make sure that you're sticking to one topic, make sure you're preparing the reader for the next topic, and make sure that everything connects to the overall idea of the essay.  Okay?If you need some more help with this and you have some more questions, go to www. advantagesbook.blogspot. com. You can leave me a comment and I will get back to you.  There will also be a little bit of a quiz there to make sure you understand all this.Thank you.

How to give the BEST speech or presentation in English

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Do you have to make a speech or do a presentation? Are you nervous? Do you need some help? I can help you.  Hello.  My name is Ronnie. I'm going to teach you a couple of tips and a couple of ways to help you when you have to do a scary presentation or speech.

When I was younger, I had to do speeches every year in elementary school and high school -- I don't remember.  I don't remember high school, okay? I do remember,specifically, in elementary school, every year, we had to do speeches.  Guess what, ladies sand gentlemen.  You are looking at the grade 3 speech champion of Memorial school.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Look what I am today. So when I was in grade 3, I made the best speech in my class.  I went on to do the speech in the auditorium or the gymnasium.  I won first place.  Oh, yeah.  I won a book.  I don't like books.

I was like, "I got a book.  Thanks. " I was eight years old.  I wrote a speech.  I delivered the speech, and I won.  I'm going to teach you what I know.  This isn't a foolproof way, but this is how I to it.  And maybe, this will work for you. How to make a speech or presentation.  Speeches and presentation are, of course, different. Speeches are more what you want to tell people about an interesting topic.  And presentations are usually more work-based.  But sometimes, they overlap.  Sometimes, in schools, you have to do a speech, and also you will probably have to make a presentation about maybe a boring topic that the teacher gives you like World War II.  How mundane. So the very first thing that I'm going to tell you is how to actually form or make a decent speech.  Sometimes, this is unavoidable.  But maybe, if you can, choose a good or interesting topic.  When I say interesting or good, the only person that needs to think this is interesting is you -- me -- you.  If you have a wide-open topic, for example, your history teacher goes,"World War II. " You go, "oh, god.  Okay.  Well, I know the history of World War II and the terrible Hitler, and all this stuff went down. " So what you're going to do is you're going to try to choose a different angle, a different topic or a different way to present the information that no one's heard about before. So if you have the opportunity to choose your own topic and the teacher doesn't give it to you, wide-open spaces.  Choose what you like.  What's your hobby? What's your passion?What do you like to talk about? Choose that -- bam.

Make a really interesting presentation or speech.  If you're excited about topic, then the other people will also feel you enthusiasm or feel your excitement, and it will be a good speech or presentation.  So one, choose a good or interesting topic if you can. No.  2, this is really important.  If you are given a topic, I know it might be boring. Know your topic, or know your content.  Nowadays, you can just go on the web, the good old website-- the Internet -- and you can blob the information off of Wikipedia or off of any kind of webpage that you want, throw together the speech, stand up in front of everyone staring at you,yabber, yabber, yabber, jabber, jabber jabber.  Then, at the end of it -- thank god it's over-- someone's going to ask you a question.  "Oh, god.  I don't know the answer" -- because you didn't research it.  You just copied and pasted off the Internet.  You can do that,whisk through it, ask a question, "I don't know. " Speech is done.  But if you have to do this for work, if your boss gives you a presentation or a speech to do for work, this is really important.  Know your stuff.  Know, maybe, what the people are going to ask you.

Think of questions you would ask someone giving the same speech.  As long as you know the information,your confidence is going to go like I this.  Your nervousness or your anxiety is going to go like this.  If you're confident, you know the topic, you know in and out everything about it, you're going to be the expert on it, and it's going to rock.  Okay?Next one.  Know your audience.  Who are you talking to? Are you going to be speaking to people from other countries? Does everyone know and understand your language? Or are some people from different countries and have a hard time knowing your language or don't really know.  Or you have to make a presentation in English, and English is not your first language.  Cool.  Don't worry about it.  Relax.  Take your time.  But know who you're talking to.  If you have to do a speech to people who are children, you have to use vocabulary and language that the children know.  You also have to talk to them in a way where they understand and respect you.  If you're doing a business presentation and it has to be really, really formal, so do you.  You have to know what you want the people to get out of it, and you have to know who the people are.  Really important.

Next one.  Just to make it more interesting, just so nobody falls asleep, starts drooling,use, if you can, props.  So "props" are things like -- oh, I don't know -- some paper towel. Or a lot of the times when you're doing presentations, you have a beautiful computer.  Use some slides. Use some pictures.  Anything to hold the person's interest during the speech or during the presentation. If there is one person just talking, guess what? I'm going to turn off.  I'm going to be so bored, and I'm not going to listen anymore.  Try and make the content with pictures or slides or props or something.  Something to make it different from other people. Next one.  Do you like making presentations? No? What about speeches? Do you like speeches?No? Okay.  One way to maybe start a speech or start a presentation, grab the audience's attention -- don't grab the audience; grab their attention -- is to start your speech or start your presentation with a question.  It's kind of an old technique, but it works every time.  Instead of going up to the front and going, "Today, I'm going to talk about elephants. " You're going to go, "Hey! Do you like elephants? Have you ever ridden on an elephants? No? Go ride an elephant. " If you grab the audience's attention at first, the more people are going to like it, they're going to listen to it, and it's just going to be more fun.  Problem. You've written this amazing speech.  Okay? You've got a great topic.  You know all the information.  Someone's going to ask you a question; you've got the answer.  You know the people.  You've got some slides.  You've got some props.  You've got it.  Awesome.  But oh, my god, you are so nervous.  Okay? You're anxious.  You can't sleep the night before.

During the presentation, before the presentation, you're really nervous.  You're shaking.  That's normal.  Don't worry.  The more presentations you make, the more speeches you do, this nervousness and this anxiety will hopefully lessen, go away, dissipate.  I remember the very first time that I got to be a teacher.  When I was teaching before, I was in a tiny classroom,four people.  And I'll never forget the time I walked into a classroom and everyone was staring at me.  Was I nervous? Oh, yeah.  Was I anxious? Not really -- because I knew my stuff.  I know what these people want.  I know what they need.  I know what I have to give them. So you are nervous? That's cool.  Tips to combat nervousness.  Don't drink a lot of coffee. If you drink a lot of coffee before the presentation, you're going to be moving.  The coffee's going to make you seem nervous.  Maybe you're calm, but the coffee gets you moving more.  People have always said, when you're making a speech or a presentation, do not move around too much.  I disagree.  I remember I was making a presentation in high school, and I stood-- strange.

I stood in a strange position, and I stood on my foot, and I fell over.  It was hilarious.  I fell.  I almost hit my head on the board.  The whole class was like, "Are you okay?" I thought it was funny.  Who got extra marks? Me.  Because I was able to laugh at it and continue going.  Bad things might happen.  You might fall over.  But if you deliver a speech like this and are a statue and don't move, it's boring.  Body movement is essential when you're making a speech.  You want the person to look at you.  You want to make sure that they're not sleeping.  You want to move around.  Okay?Also, it hides your nervousness.  The reason why I was doing this when I was in class was because I was nervous and I was playing with my feet, and I fell.  I do a little dance if I'm nervous.  I listen to music before I do my presentation so that I'm not as nervous. I think about a song, and I play it. The only concrete way that I can tell you to really, really, really stop your nervousness is to practice.  You've got this beautiful speech, but you don't know it; you have not remembered it.  It's impossible to memorize everything.  But the more you practice your speech, the more comfortable you're going to be presenting it to other people.  If you go up to the front and you read off a piece of paper, your voice is going to be like a robot.

It's going to be terrible.  So you need to practice it so you can remember quite alot of it.  The more you practice, the more you know, the more comfortable you become with yourself saying it.  And because you know your topic, because you know your audience,because you've practiced your speech, nothing can go wrong.  Maybe you forget a word.  That's cool.  You keep on going because you've practiced it. When it comes the time to make the speech, please speak loud enough so that everyone can hear you.  And please speak clearly.  When you're speaking to people, you have to slowdown.  One problem I have when I'm nervous is I talk really quickly and I mumble, which means I don't say the words clearly.  That's the nervous factor.  Usually, when I start,I talk really, really fast.  But by the end of it, you pace yourself, and your speech becomes clearer.  That's natural; that's cool.  But try and concentrate on having a loud voice and saying the words clearly. This is really important.
If someone was giving you a presentation or a speech and they stared directly at one person -- let's say the one person was you -- how would you feel? I'd feel nervous.  So when you're making a speech or presentation, it's really important to maintain eye contact -- not with one person, not with the floor, not with your paper, with everyone.  Really, really important to look at every single person that you're talking to.  Do a little room sweep.  Go, "Hey, Bob.  Yeah.  What's up?" Pretend that you're individually looking at all the people.  Don't stare at one person.  That's weird.  Don't stare at two people.  It's like you're playing ping-pong.  Are you guys playing ping-pong? Don't do that. That's strange.  Don't stare straight ahead.  Don't stare at the ceiling.  Look at the people. Look at their eyes.  Okay? Look at the people's eyes.  Make sure they're looking at you.  If someone's sleeping or someone's not paying attention to you, if you look at them, they're like, "Oh, hey.  Yeah. " Very important, eye contact. Sometimes, like I said, you've got your speech.  You're nervous.  You've practiced.  You've practiced. But of course, you think, "Oh, my god.  What if I forget or blank out or -- I just can't do it.  What am I going to do?" Well, solution -- cue cards.  Cue cards are little pieces of paper or cardboard that you write down your main points of your presentation or your speech.

So you do not want to read or write down all of the speech because you're like this, "Yesterday, I saw a really cool elephant.  It was -- it was -- gray.  It was gray. " If you write down all the speech, your eyes have to read it really quickly and it stops the flow of your speech.  So write down the main points of the cue cards.  Maybe on one cue card, you could have the main point and three points to help you.  So maybe you're reading something or you're speaking, and you forget something.  That's cool.  "Oh, yeah.  That part. "Okay? And say to the people -- just say, "Hold on.  Good. " There's no problem forgetting something,but if there's a long silence or you're awkward about it, there's a problem.  Apologize.  Look it up.  Everyone's cool.  Don't worry about it. So during your presentation, make eye contact; speak loudly; speak clearly; try and remember your speech.  Practice, practice, practice.  It's going to reduce your nervousness and your anxiety.  Before you make the speech, make sure it's pretty interesting.  To help you more with this, there's a really, really cool website called www. PresentationPrep. com. If you're finding that you have to do a lot of presentations for work or for school or for anything, check out this website.  It will help you just like this did. Good luck in your speeches.  Adios.